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작성자 zenilvana

<A senator explains why Congress is failing>
Rick Newman Yahoo Finance By Rick Newman
4 hours ago as of 12:37PM May 6, 2016

It’s axiomatic by now that Congress gets little done, even though the nation has a lot of problems that need fixed. At the Milken Institute’s latest annual gathering of business and political leaders, we got to ask one senator why.

“It starts in the House, where you have gerrymandering, and so the extremes now are very vocal and they’ve pulled away from the majority of people in the middle,” Republican Sen. David Perdue of Georgia explains in the video above. “In the Senate, gridlock is all about getting elected in the next election. This drive to get reelected trumps everything else in Washington.”

Perdue is a career businessman rather than politician, who’s been CEO of Dollar General (DG) and Reebok. He also helped establish Sara Lee’s operations in Asia and spent much of his business career overseas. He won election to the Senate in 2014 and has pledged to stay no longer than two terms, should he get reelected in 2020.

That business background makes Perdue a distinct minority in the Senate. “We have 64 lawyers but only a handful of people with any experience running a business,” he says of the Senate’s composition. “The business acumen [in the Senate] was not where I thought it would be.”

That may help explain why Congress has dawdled despite an underperforming economy and pleas for help from CEOs. The biggest business priority is a corporate tax overhaul that would make the U.S. tax code more competitive and kill the incentive for companies to pursue tax inversions and other end-around schemes to lower their tax bills. If Congress could accomplish that overdue job, it might be nice if it also addressed healthcare and Social Security spending that’s growing far beyond Uncle Sam’s ability to pay for it.

Perdue, who’s established a reputation as a pragmatic legislator able to make bipartisan agreements, thinks there’s a chance Congress will take up tax reform next year, provided the next president, whoever it is, makes it a priority. Donald Trump, the likely Republican presidential nominee, has said lowering the corporate tax rate is an important issue. Democrat Hillary Clinton, his likely opponent, hasn’t said much about it.

Of course, the traditional roles of the Republican and Democratic parties is undergoing something of a transformation, with Trump driving some conservatives away, and Clinton possibly benefiting from the support of business people who think she’ll be friendlier to their interests than Trump. When asked if the Republican party is still the party of business, Perdue says, “That’s a great question. I can’t tell any more. Sometime I think we’ve lost sight of the priorities.” Next year may bring a chance to rediscover them.

Rick Newman’s latest book is Liberty for All: A Manifesto for Reclaiming Financial and Political Freedom. Follow him on Twitter: @rickjnewman.

2016-05-06 12:20:29
► 이 글에 대한 독자들의 의견
3   zenilvana [ 2016-05-07 22:19:13 ] 

미국은 대기업이 경제를 이끌어 갑니다. 중소기업들이 주로 국내에서 활략하지만 큰 고기는 큰 물에서 놀지요. 그 말은 이들이 해외에서 벌어들이는 돈이 더 많읍니다만, 법인세가 높음으로 이들이 현지에서 번돈을 미국낼 가져오질 않던가 못하고 있오.

돈을 currency라 하는데 이 단어는 물같이 흘러야 모든 노동자들이 혜택을 보지오. 그런데 큰 뭉치가 해외에서 겉돌다 보니, 더구나 미국의 이자율이 낮아서 많은 세금내고 국내에 투자해서 재미 볼 수가 없읍니다.

다른 경제강국들은 법인세를 낮추고 있으나 유독 미국만은 높여놓고 있지요. 미국이 가장 빚이 많은 나라이면서 이처럼 해외에 parking 해놓게 하면 결국 국가경제에 결코 도움이 않됩니다.

2   deborah9 [ 2016-05-07 07:57:32 ] 

I agree with your point here Zen. Also in my opinion, lowering corp. tax is one thing, but the power of labor union is too demanding is other problem. I don't believe lower the tax is going to solving the problems. The human society is like ocean, the place for the big fish and the place for the small fish. Small fish cannot think like big fish and each one lives as they think, no need to argue or fight!!!

1   zenilvana [ 2016-05-06 12:48:33 ] 

내가 앞의 글에서 학력이 중요한 것이 아니라, 경력이 더 중요하다고 말했다. 이 글에서 뭐라고 하는고 하니, 미국상원의원 100명 중에서 64명이 법학을 공부한 사람이고 기업을 경영해본 사람은 몇 않된다고. 그 남어지는 다른 학과 출신이겠지만, 법학이란 것이 뭔가? 이미 만들어진 법조항을 해석하고 주무르는 일을 다루는 분야다.

그러나 실생활에서 먹고 사는 사업 즉 기업경영을 하려면 경쟁에서 이겨야 회사가 잘되고 동시에 그 노동자가 살길을 마련한다. 법조문이나 따지는 인간들이 무슨 생산적인 사고를 하겠는가?

이래서 미국의 국회의원이란 넘들은 맹꽁이 짓을 지금까지 해오면서 나라를 개발싸게로 만들고 있다. 그것 만이 아니다. 남이 건설적으로 일하려는 태도를 이해하지 않고는 법적으로 이렇쿵 저렇쿵 하면서 될 일도 못하게 가로 막는다. 그래서 배운 것이 아니라 실제로 해본 경험을 중시하자는 거다.

본문인용: We have 64 lawyers but only a handful of people with any experience running a business. 인격자를 찾아 헤매는 냥반은 지금 어디서 뭐를 생각하시오?

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