
Los Angeles
열린 마당
제목 I must tell you the story....
작성자 deborah9

Two days ago, I had business to go to see the one of the facility to meet 97yrs old patient who stay in the place where they only provide room and board, not medical needs, so I assess what this patient needs and report to Home health agency, so they can send physical therapy, nurse, nurse aid... to help the pt[patient] to get better. When I open the front door, I heard the classic music, coming from hall, about 50 old papps and mamas were listening. The music was so beautiful, that I could not interrupt and call out the pt. I sat back of crowd and listened. A few minutes later, here comes the lady and stand side of my chair, asked me, " do you know who is that violinist?". I said "no". " He is my uncle, and he is 103 years old, who come here for 30 years, play the music for these people, no $$$ paid, and I droved him.". I was shocked to hear this beautiful story. I learned that age is only the state of mind, and live daily basis the given each moment to give to others goods, not important how big or small. Therefor, I will tell you all young punk who is over 70 years old, get out of self pitty, and do some positive things today with love. I am going to...

2016-08-26 04:48:51
► 이 글에 대한 독자들의 의견
12   SanghaiP [ 2016-08-26 10:26:07 ] 

크크크....늘은 할매가 남정내 오줌 갈기는 소리와 찌릉네는 꽤 좋아흐시는가벼? 변태여?

11   deborah9 [ 2016-08-26 10:19:50 ] 

Bongchang shi shi ha ha ha...

10   SanghaiP [ 2016-08-26 10:05:42 ] 

아 틀리고 어 틀리다고..
the 흐고 a 흐고 어감이 틀리지라... 어감뿐 아니라 뜻함이 하늘과 땅차이가 날수도 있고...
듸보라9여사님 잘보이라 몰래 어쭈어 드리니끼니...
깐뿡기를 해드시든 짜장을 드시는
여사님 마음데로....

9   deborah9 [ 2016-08-26 09:03:53 ] 

#8, Iam the cheap English speaking person, because I am Korean, and have the right speaking cheap English. What reason you have to speak the Korean, your native tongue, as if you never went near the elementary school gate?. The big psycho is play here to have thill by fooling the readers, some of you know who...

8   SanghaiP [ 2016-08-26 08:51:53 ] 

쉬븐 영어부터 기초공사 부터 하나하나 다시 시작 흡시다.
I must tell you the story.... 라는 제목을 들고 나오 싰는듸ㅣㅣ...뭐그리 꼭 틀렸다 라곤 흘수 읎지만 원어민에게는 으색흔 포현 이구마잉...
I must tell you the story....보당.. I must tell you a story....가 더세련되고 올바른 교육을 받은 교양있는 뇨자로로 보잉께... LA공항에서도 요로코롬 품위있는 영어를 구사흐믄...고딴뇨자 취급들 않받지라
관사...정관사 기초 체력 부타 다시 키워 보시지라....

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