
Los Angeles
열린 마당
제목 In Democracy no politician pleases everyone
작성자 zenilvana

Since a president be elected by voters who favored by 50% margin, there would exist always unhappy portion of the population in the nation. That is the fact and the truth in the modern societies as far as the democratic system is being operated in the electing of officials.

D. Trump is being caught in that whirlwind of discontent in Russian connection in American politics, likewise in Korea the newly elected President Moon has been mistreated with his role at the deceased No Moo Hyun Administration by the Conservative people as an element cell connected to the North communist regime.

That is what Alexander maintained in his article of #11696-김정은의 하수인 문재인, which is untrue and false accusation without any proven facts and an awful insult to a Korean leader in that chaotic which could bring him to the criminal justice as per Korean law, even if he lives in Virginia, U.S. as a U.S. citizen now.

Suppose he wants to visit Korea in the future, he could be denied the entry to his so called Mother Country due to that false accusation in public. I do not understand the reason why he has done such a stupid thing today only to subject him to irrational political propaganda. That article does not make him a hero or an political advocate in this Open Forum, but also in Korean security agency which vigilantly surveys the digital movement of communist factions or the like who disliked the Moon's travel to America.

If I were him, I would definitely watch my mouth not to utter such words, which is unproved and unsupported, which cause his native land's political scene and uninformed people negatively for no particular rational reason.

It seems very reckless and unwise move for him to commit upon this imminent State Visit for a Korean president first time since elected to meet with Donald Trump in two week at Washington to discuss the issues of the North aggression and the security for both Nations, including THAAD problem.


2017-06-14 11:17:31
► 이 글에 대한 독자들의 의견
8   sangha1 [ 2017-06-14 15:59:49 ] 

#7...엿장수 또람뿌가 로시아 좌빨 마피아랑 놀아났는듸...엿장수 또람뿌를 감ᄊᆞ는 전영감이 좌빨일 가능성이 높찌라,,,,

7   alexander [ 2017-06-14 15:54:23 ] 

That is what Alexander maintained in his article of #11696-김정은의 하수인 문재인, which is untrue and false accusation without any proven facts and an awful insult to a Korean leader in that chaotic which could bring him to the criminal justice as per Korean law, even if he lives in Virginia, U.S. as a U.S. citizen now.

그래서 좌빨종북파들은 그렇게 이승만 박정희를 친일파 매국노
반민주 역적이라고 그렇게 매도했든가?
왜 당시 대통들을 욕하는자들을 잡아 가두지 않았지?

내 글 '문재인은 김정은의 하수인' 은 물론 정황증거지 proven
된것은 아니다. 정황이 내가 말한 이유대로 그렇다 보니까
김정은 하수인같은 느낌이 든다는 말이다.

이런말 한다고 해서 입국거절 당할수도 있다고?
그렇다면 정황증거와 카다라 통신에 의해 탄핵된 박근혜는 어떻고?
뭐 하나 proven 된게 있나? 아직도 재판중이지만 아무것도
proven 된게 없다.

민주 국가에서는 있을수 없는 발언을 젠이 하고있다.
미국에서 발생한 총기사건은 정치인을 향하긴 했지만 범인의
죄목은 단순 총기사건이지 정치인을 향한 총기사건이라는 이유로
따블로 죄목이 불어나지는 않을것이다.

젠영감이 어느새 저렇게 좌빨경향이 짙어 졌는지 ㅉㅉㅉ 이런걸
두고 격세지감이라고 하나?

6   deborah9 [ 2017-06-14 14:58:59 ] 

#5, thanks Zen......ha ha ha..

5   sangha1 [ 2017-06-14 14:55:13 ] 

#4 뒤보라9여사가 또 나타나 앙탈진 모습을 모이눈구마잉...
워훠이~ 물러 가라 가즹시른 뒤보라9여사여....

4   deborah9 [ 2017-06-14 14:52:40 ] 

#2,bull shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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