
Los Angeles
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제목 Openning ceramony was excellent!
작성자 deborah9

I was totally shock that the opening was so proper and national anthem was sang as expected and the Korean flag was up. I was feel bad that all the bad comments I made about it. Was I deceived, or mis informed? The Korean politics rotten, both side. I hope they will complete the game peacefully, because it is not at fall of players. Give them courage and hand. The female who come from the North Korea Ms Kim Jong, look s like the cabage grow under the tree, not enough water and sunshine and lack of food. The eyes of person is like the window of mind. I did not like the way she look around, no different from her brother. The south Korea politicians should have some self worth, acting like the servant, without dignity. I will stop here. Both side of party same level, not any better. Need to be improved for the country sake.

2018-02-10 07:27:20
► 이 글에 대한 독자들의 의견
7   bibliatell [ 2018-02-11 19:54:19 ] 

눈 가리고 아웅하지 말자. 독재정권엔 인권이라는게 없지. 박통 독재통치 18년 간 인권이라는게 있었나? 바라는게 무리지. 이맹빠꾸네 9년은 어땠나? 인권이라는게 울마나 있었는데? 30%? 40%? 인권 세계 몇위? ㅋㅋㅋ

6   tyghn [ 2018-02-10 08:57:06 ] 

Isn't she great,
always gives the right meaning and is not wrong about Korean politics.
Most importantly, there is no human rights in North Korea.

5   deborah9 [ 2018-02-10 08:34:29 ] 

#4, Ha Ha Ha...

4   zenilvana [ 2018-02-10 08:30:22 ] 

incoherent thinking, Konglish writing likewise...

3   deborah9 [ 2018-02-10 08:12:45 ] 

#2, you are too classy that I would not prefer mix my comment with you.Stay away....

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