
Los Angeles
열린 마당
제목 It's very hard to anew the old legacy
작성자 zenilvana

The first words Kim Jungeun uttered upon having met Trump at Singapore, saying this travel was difficult for me to take. It had a good deal of nuance interpreting the meaning of it.

It was for the first time for him to step in not only the limelight of the world but also the sphere of revelation outside his old paradigm formed in his secluded hermit kingdom.

It may not be certain how many people had weighed his the 2nd remark. He continued that his old way of thinking and habit had been shackling him to have come to this historic moment in time.

In Korean saying the Buddhist monk cannot shave his head by himself. Likewise the young supreme leader of the North Korea could not convert the communist regime to the capital country, even if he has known the Juche sasang(主體思想) would not help his people well fed and subsequently happy.

His father, notwithstanding his grand-father, had thought the Korea will be eventually united one day for them to wield the force of the nuclear weapons and intercontinental missiles. And they did succeeded in having done so fruitfully that U.S. could not withstand anymore their threat, which eventually awakened the sleeping giant.

I have been telling people that they never change unless forced to see the imminent harsh reality closing in seemingly without exit in sight. That is the only time they come to know who they are, and what they were doing wrong, since the world wants us to adapt to the new situation wisely. Otherwise you will end up a loser after all unfortunately


2018-06-13 11:55:48
► 이 글에 대한 독자들의 의견
1   zenilvana [ 2018-06-13 16:41:23 ] 

윗 글은 비단 김정은에게만 해당된 것이 아니다. 홍준표와 김성태가 이끄는 자유한국당에게도 적용된다. 자기들이 참패를 당할지를 알지 못하고 입질을 자주하더니만......결국에 가설라무네 나락으로 떨어져서 자기가 누구며, 무슨 잘못을 저질렀는가를 쓸개를 짓씹으며 과거의 집권자들이 뉘우쳐야 하긋지.

I have been telling people that they never change unless forced to see the imminent harsh reality closing in seemingly without exit in sight. That is the only time they come to know who they are, and what they were doing wrong, since the world wants us to adapt to the new situation wisely. Otherwise you will end up a loser after all unfortunately.

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