
Los Angeles
열린 마당
제목 "The internet will be the death of us."
작성자 tabletennis

by Frank Bruni, NYTimes columnist, 11/08/'18.
and in English, 11/11/'18.

Would anyone please translate this vital article into Korean here? How about Zen?

Please note what Apple's CEO said here as well.

2018-11-11 12:17:51
► 이 글에 대한 독자들의 의견
2   SanghaiP [ 2018-11-11 18:41:04 ] 

읽어 봉께로 벨 볼일 읎는 론설이더만...
부정적이고 negative흔 면만 확대 해석한 론조이더만...
긍정적이고, positive흐고 건설적인 인또넷을 말흐지 않고
파괴적이고 북조선 이미나이샤꾸들이나 쨩꺄이 인민 해방군들이 무서워 인또넷 못흘껴?

1   zenilvana [ 2018-11-11 13:44:29 ] 

You seems to be the most qualified person to do that job yourself. You have been acting like that as far as I could remember. You could talk Korean and type in Korean as well, couldn't you as a highly educated person in both country?

I am not taking any of your suggestion from you no matter of what, who have been insulting me with false accusation as well as so much abusive words. You betrayed me in respect and trust, as matter of facts.

Of course I could translate it with no problem if it is on my initiative as I please. 누울 자리를 보고 다리를 뻐치시오, unless you may suffer from senile forgetfulness.

로그인 해주세요!
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