
Los Angeles
열린 마당
제목 Legally permitted religious gangsters K-PCA
작성자 deborah9

I believe the youngnak church will not be resolved problems as the way it is.This is third time that I observed Korean congregation go through pain by legally permitted relegious terro gangsters[K-PCA AND OTHER ORG.] This got to stopped by Calif. residence pettions. There are over 1,000 plus korean church in Calif. To get the half million names to kick them out of Ca. is piece of cake. The each church get the name 100 x 1,000= 100,000 + and their family and non korean who lives in Ca. I warn you K-PCA, you will not get away that easily this time. It will be easier for everyone to forgive each party and back where we were. Call back pastor Kim K. J. and try patch up . this is not Korea, this is America where we have Law and Order, which means small people like us have power. Half million name of the people, court will pay attention, and state congress in Sacramento will too. Nothing is impossible with the God.

2016-07-25 16:11:19
► 이 글에 대한 독자들의 의견
5   deborah9 [ 2016-07-25 16:44:47 ] 


4   SanghaiP [ 2016-07-25 16:44:45 ] 

듸보라9여사왈..."by legally permitted relegious terro gangsters[K-PCA AND OTHER ORG.]"

3   deborah9 [ 2016-07-25 16:42:54 ] 

#2, READ again you.

2   SanghaiP [ 2016-07-25 16:38:34 ] 

라성 영락교회는 합뻡화된 쪼폭집단... 테러집단이라꼬...
듸보라 구여사가 선언 혔는듸...
분명...욕설, 비방, 선정성이 포함된 모든 게시물에 속하는 요딴글은...
열땅 마당지기가 가위질 않능강?
마당지기가...엉터리 영어를 읽고 해독할줄 모르는 까막눈인강?
듸보라9여사에게 찍힐일이라도 해서 봐주는ᅁᅳᆼ강?
듸보라9여사 일주일 정학감인듸...

1   deborah9 [ 2016-07-25 16:37:28 ] 

To all the pastors! treat others as you want be treated. This unfair event can happen to you too. Wake up and practice what you tell the congregations. If anyone has common sense, You know what K-PCA did was wrong.

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