
Los Angeles
열린 마당
제목 Silent night, Holy night!....
작성자 deborah9

When I was young, the Christmas means Joy, Gift exchange, play drama, singing and dancing in the church .I remember just like yesterday, that elder sisters from home town, come to my house and carry me to their back and went church to practice for the Eve ply. The life was joy and joy every moment, and we did not have toys like now, so I made myself the doll to give my friend as gift, took several days to complete. A piece of cloth saw and filled with grain to body and put arms and legs and head at the last. put the eyes and nose and mouth. I was so satisfied of my product, the doll and wait the big day and give to my best friend. She was so happy and unexperienced joys we felt together. We did not have too much $$$ , but plenty of happiness and joys those days. Where is all those feeling of joy, emotions, love.... I lived behind of elementary school , because my dad was principal of that school, and next of that school there was small humble looking church, old organ in that church I never forget. I heard the first time "The silent night". The minister was the brother of my neighbor who was doctor, the whole family ran away from the North Korea, because they are the educated family. I was play their children. In the spring time come after the harsh winter was gone,, My two boy friend come to my house early in the morning and yell "come out Young! , so lets go to catch the tedpool [ol chang yi]". How fun it was to catch them all day without eating lunch. two boys and I had to come home, because we can not see them anymore , dark. I am too slow and I could not catch not even one, boys feel sorry, so they always give me 2 tedpool, I hold with one hand my rubber shoe with water, and I hold my stomach because of hunger pain. This was going everyday....cont to next...

2018-12-25 17:56:54
► 이 글에 대한 독자들의 의견
3   zenilvana [ 2018-12-25 19:20:26 ] 

나는 크리스마스 저녁에는 찬양대에 섞여서 성도들 집 앞에서 '고요한 밤'을 찬양했고, 성탄절 아침 예배에는 'Oh, Holy Night'을 독창했었다.

가끔가다 '여호와는 나의 목자시니'나, Gounod의 'Ave Maria'를 solo 했었지. 그 때가 좋았다. 아니면 Marlotte의 'Lord Prayer'든가......

2   Jtkl7 [ 2018-12-25 19:04:21 ] 

어릴적의 성탄절은 각별한 기쁨이 있었지요. 크리스마스 이브, 그 추운 날씨에 얼은 손에 김을 불어가며 새벽송을 돌던 추억은 하나의 크리스마스 카드와 같이 기억 속에 남아있습니다.
따뜻한 포스트에 감사드리오며
기쁜 성탄절 희망의 새해가 되기를 소망합니다

1   sanghaip [ 2018-12-25 18:45:10 ] 

원시 종교인 祈福信仰(기복신앙)이란 본인에게 득이 되는 복(福)을 바라는 신앙(信仰) 행태를 말흐는듸... 여기서 '복'이란 재물, 무병장수, 내세의 공덕, 자손의 번창, BMW, 같은 일체의 인간적 욕심을 포함gmeksmseml...
듸보라9여사는 기도빨이 강흥가뵤...ㅎㅎㅎ
살살흡시다, 핯매요

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